Im so sick Of LYING...
first i lied to mom..
then i lied to some people...
situation made me lied..
n wad the fark was i tinking?!
i don wanna be a hyprocrite..
wad i wan was to see happiness around me..
i wanna help but now im so so in a serious trouble..
n i hated this..
wen will it ever gonna end..
i cant find any clue to solve it..
wad was she tinking?
wad was he tinking?
wad were they tinking?
wad were the world tinking?
its getin insane u noe dat..
i hate it so much..
okae.okae.*calm down calm down*
n ouh ya..
tomorow is the result show..
n i cant wait..
i just couldnt believe tat im gonna get result after completin anthr 4 years of education..
just felt like im just startin my sec 1 years in wgs..
4 years huh..?full of ups n downs..
got into conflicts,,troubles,,lies,,jokes,,sarcasm,,naughtiness,,n... wadeva...
n im sure im gonna mish my high skool lyfe..really..
im gonna mish my frens in skool..
gonna mish myself sitin in the classroom..especiallY my dearest 4E3..god!so mishin dem..
gonna mish myself sitin in the classroom of 1E3,2E3 n 3E3..
gonna mish seein my tchear's butt..ouh tat gorgeous sexy lookin ass!*awwwwwww*
gonna mish disturbin teachers wit craps..n not to forget bullying them too..*i lyoKe!!*
gonna mish mee soto in the tuckshop..*whooosshhhhh..tat was so yummy!*
gonna mish being scolded by teacher..gettin lectures by teacher...
gonna mish being in the detention room fer hours n hours..lyke stupid of course..
gonna mish watchin soccer matches between the best n the very best[kazam of corsh]..
gonna mish the ambience of waking up early to go skool..
gonna mish waiting at the pondok n puffing all the wae..
gonna mish smokin secrectly in skool..
gonna mish buying it wearing skool uniform..*ishk!sho the kental eh!..*
gonna mish pouring salt on teachers pigeon hole..n also changing places of their tings in dere..
gonna mish all the laughter..
gonna mish all the cryin...[especially tat adam khoo werkshop..*gosh*..]
gonna mish all the bullying n the bullied..
gonna mish the teachers...
gonna mish the students of wgs...
gonna mish the cleaners...
gonna mish those aunties n uncles in the tuckshop..
to sum it all up...