but it came out that iqah nid to go home couze tat big bustard created a problem again
so she went home n ana oso went home..
so left me,asmira n raudha.
we went kacao fatin at her werkplace..
stay dere n lek2 fer a while..
took some pics wit us..
after tat we headed to chng pang..
tinkin of buying that clothes but it seems tat theres no more..haishh..
then we wanted to sit at any kopitiam to watch the soccer between spore n thailand..
but at laz..we headed to asMira's kuzzie[issit?]..ah apepe la..housh..watch dere..
n spore becam the champion again!!!!
i lyoke!!!!
well done spore team...!
thailand...try again next tyme ya..
wanna watch tyra show!
c u lata!