just came bacK froM vista..
bought the stupid black hair spray n pantyhose..
luckily i remembered tat i nid a pantyhose..
stupid black hair spraY..it cost me 10 bucks man..n dat was my last note in my purse..
bopian uh..tat cheng yong gave me last warning oreadie..haha
stupid hym..tat albert aka 'mr justin look-alike'[btw..i really likes his smile..makes hym handsomer]dun say aniting..hes the manager le..ala..dun care laa..
its my bad oso wad i go highlite red..well..wad can i sae,,chinese new year is around the corner..i oso nid to celebrate mah..
hey..its already one month me n my boifren..haha..not bad,not bad..
so a happie one month anniversary babe!!
y mus it be todae uh?..
well..nvm..he got his training[national palya mah] n ive got my werk..
well its always tat we both busy..
but its okae..

btw..yesterdae shushu msg me..
she oreadie sent regards to hym..
wakakaka..n she said he misses me..[im so a bitch!]
n den..u noe wad..in the nite he called me sei..
luckily my ppd low so cant talk longer..
hehe..i did not tell my boifren bout tiz..shhhhhh...
but then..lets fate decide laa..haha
niwae tanks shushu..[i lyoike this name!..so the comic..wakaka..shushu..sounds like susu..mooooo...heh]
got apepe perkembangan i tell u kae..
todae werk le..
6pm..i wan book morning werk but no more place available oreadi..
fuck sei..eventhough i book on the tuesdae,,deres no more place..i kena bullshit uh?
dat aisyah book.. she can get OC[outdoor catering] somore..isnt tat unfair?..
i wan OC sei..more fun wad..go outside can c people..its like im not stuck in that stupid ballroom..
but todae is wedding..wah sian ley..its always the same..the same food..the same song..the same..wadeva la..
tomorow werk at 5..wah..i wan to cabot uh..but tink back dowan la..later take pay only fer one day werk..waste tyme onli..
speaking of pay..todae i wan take pay! yeah baby! got $$$!!can top up fon..buy ciggarette..n somemore valentines dae is cuming n i donoe wad to buy fer hym..wah stress..wad shud i buy uh? any ideas anione?
well tats it i guess..
im shoo sleepy rite now..
wanna go back sleep but i scared i cannot wake up plak..
tc kae u guys..
c u later..