yeAy..tIz my ferst tyme writiNg a bLog..hope caN maINtained it weLL..hehs
i noe iTs a lAte tIngY tO staRT wRite a bLog. .but u noe,,whu cares. .
kae2..goTtA teLL moRe n sHUt my craPz..
hMm..riTe now,, my legs acHing like heLL. .its aLL tanKs to the hoURs of stAndINg in daT baLLrOom..
penaT liaO..noT enoUGh sLEeP,,resT,,eaT,,n wadeVa. .
but nvM..iTs tiZ saT daT im waIting for..
iTs mY feRSt paY!!!!!!
daT baJu at nIccHi wiLL coMe to MOmmY. . .alalala
heHs. .
itZ beeN guD wERking derE. . buT not yEsterDae. .
thE sTuPid jaR at mY drInk saTAtion tOppLEd sudeNLy..
faRk seI..malU banGEt..
deN goT tiz one laDy. .deN waN to make dat chik-chik[did i spell corectly?] soUND
waliao ley. .like wan pusiNg blakg sei c her. .
but i juz leT it coOL..
deN LokmaN[asmira's uncle] came to my rescue..lucky2. .
wuaHh..but nvm..its hard but its okae..
today konferm do weDding nyer. .
tiz is more fun than doIn those prom nite n dNd. .
toDae asMIra's ferst dae. .
u got to be actively mentaLLy n wadeva-Ly prepared. .