changed the blog song.
most favourite Secondary school song.
back to the old days.
yesterday was uncle's departure to Indonesia.and i tagged along reason was that its been a long time since i step my feet at the airport.pretty much, alot have changed.went to T3 and i totally love the sky train ^ ^its like taking the typical LRT. took some pictures.and i looked like a retard in the pictures.
early morning long ride
I give up in my younger not fucking going to elaborate back has been fucking giving me problems.ache non stop since last night around the kidney area.irritating shit. its making me to feel those nausea and sick feeling.ive yet to know the reasons for this.hope its not anything so feeling worse right now.pissed.
mood: fucking dont care and fucking cant be bothered.
seriously, till now i cant find the suitable layout to change this blog skin.
i have to change it being for 2 reasons;
1) theres someone there, using the same skin as mine. kpo.
2) im already sick of this skin and i need something refreshing.
perhaps tomorrow i can find one. or maybe the day after tomorrow.or maybe next 3 days or 4 or 5 or 10...when i have the time.
have not been updating for quite a long time.
reasons being, plain lazy + nothing to wirte + no time + busy= no entries.
nothing much have have been happening in my life.
only that school is left only with 3 weeks.
alot has to be done.
PP and CE.
both are utterly draggy and boring.
class have been great. as usual.
school have been improving.
just continuing my laziness given that i have only 3 weeks left before term break.
apart from all this,
worked like crazy.
still feeling the beatness out of it.
needed more money.
why cant they just drop out from the skies?
and cut my hair.
nothing much of change.
trimmed it. But damm auntie messed up my fringe and now i look like a kukoo.
but hey, hair grows. just have to live with it.
oh gosh.
seriously have to change the layout.
i dont know why im so troubled by it.
tomorrow, planning was to go watch movie.
batman pon batman la.
i really want that braziliano praia.
life with you is like taking a roller coster ride after that moment.