Thursday, December 27
feeling the urge to blog.
so suddenly.
i dont know why.
maybe im just too bored.
or maybe, im just excited.
or maybe, im just alone.
right now,waiting for the loading of the KAMI series to finish.
so i can like watch it without gettin stuck here and there.
and im so crazy over this drama series.
eventhough it airs only 8 episodes.
but it shows and teaches about all sorts of things..
love life,drugs,hottest gigs.
and songs are cool too.
and in total.
im loving it!
and im so stuck with it!
and yeah.
chalet tomorow.
cant wait.
hopefully everything turns out right.
and cant wait for the excitement!
ok i have to pack.
but im freaking lazy to do it.
how i wish theres someone to pack my bag for me.
hope ure not hiding anything from me.
coz i sensed something that i try to run away from.
Saturday, December 22
we were bored today.
and we went for a haicut.
bb got his new haircut.
so am i.
but i was so dumb to forget about something.
but nvm..
wad is done,is done..
cant regret it any further.
we were bored.
and bored.
and bored.
and bored.
and we took pictures.
stoopid picture which makes me look cute.
and of course.
hubby too...=__="
(told ya.i look cute)
Wednesday, December 19
went shopping yesterday.
super tired but enjoyingsss.
plenty have yet to be bought.
ah nie laa..
if ader duet,ader jer tknk beli.
if takader duet,smuer nak beli.
met asmira.
shes working.
and im accidentally involved in her plot.
lucky for the shoe u gave me babe.
or else....
and as usual.
shes always been like that when shes working.
"free stuff are free to grab"
thanks once again for the hundred-over-value of wedges.
u guys wanna see what we accumulated last nite?
there you go :)

Again intro(from clockwise):pink diary book("gift" from asmira),not-really-a-dress-shirt from JL,boyfys singlets(takan aku yg akai kan),wedge shoe from ES(again "gift from asmira"),boyfys ADIDAS shoe,mine EVERLAST shoe,and,boyfys boxer from Byford)
Sunday, December 16 is sunday.
Im all the way at home since yesterday..
and what a relief that its finally Holidays!
even though its just for 3 grateful enough.
i must say.this holiday is quite a packed one for me.
first start.
SHOPPING trip with boyfy!
this coming tuesday!
after all those tiring saving up(well,not reallly)
and i can spend like theres no tomorrow on this coming tuesday!
yipeee!i can like finally add stuff to my wadrobe.
second up,
and i was asked by uncle to make-up for my aunty-to-be..
aiyo..leceh la..Im not tat good afterall..unless if i were to make up for myself.
but nvm.shall wait for that day..
this few coming weeks! and im sure be busy for the whole week man!aiayayaya!
cant wait for that trip to SENTOSA with the girls.
its confirmed!
and im looking forward to it..
shall tan myself..and chilling around..
fourthly,day after Sentosa,
its CHALET time!
with boyfy and friends..
someones burfday. but sadly,i dont know her name.
gotta be fun over there..
cant wait for it either.
and this time,it is reserved for my darlings!
its a countdown cum iQah's birthday celebration.
phew..i still dont know what to buy for her..
but never the mind.
i cant wait when some of us will be bringing boyfy down and spend those quality time together.
its been like ages since we hang out man!its like only this date that we can totally agree on to meet up and furthermore celebrate new year!
i cant wait for this too..
so yeah peeps..
tats all the plan i have...
any plans with me,u can book me next year kae!
Sunday, December 9

now thats what im talking about.
can i make a wish since Christmas is around the corner.
*i wish to have this as a present from that someone.can?*
who's that someone?
surprise me.
Saturday, December 1
I know im not being myself lately.
i dont know why.
i can find myself either.
its just that,no one hears me out.
its just that i cant have the courage to tell tell anyone.
Im so stupid and im dumb to care about other people feelings than taking care of my own.
sometimes i wonder why shud i do that?
maybe i dont want them to be hurt.feel lonely.and all those stuff.
im just plain stupid.
everything seems unfair.
i know u do care.
but i dont even feel it.
sometimes i question myself 'do u meant wad u did?'
im lost.
i dont expect anything else.
i just wish that everything is alright.
i just wish for a respect which i feel that my dignity has just been scratch till it bleed.
i just wish to be appreciated.
i just wish for everything to be fine like before.
i dont wish to repeat the history i had 9 months ago.
because i feel it this very moment.
i dont think i can stand too long.
and my heart keep saying. its not anymore.
i know it is lying.
i dont wish to let the past haunt me back ryte now.
because i dont feel anything anymore.
i know time is all i need.
but i need that someone too.whom i can know that im not alone.
but looking back.
i never have that someone.
im just disappointed with how things are right now.
what exactly do i fucking want?
why do i care so much of people needs and wants?
and why do i let myself being stepped on?
why do people judge me without knowing me?
and why? why is these questions appear now?
im way too hurt.but i dont show.its not a fucking show and tell.
where do i stand?
at the corner of the room standing timidly among those bigger people?
i cant take it anymore.
but i know i have to be strong.
people are shellfish nowadays.
and i just need time.
time is all i need to be the medicine of this fucking life.
and im sorry if i ever behave in such manner.
i just felt that u dont listen that much.u dont take note that much.
its okay.
thats life.people only wants to hear them out.
but never hear or listen to what others are saying..
life is unfair.
ill remain being unheard.
like it is always be.
it is just not anymore...