Sunday, September 30
its been a long time since ive updated.i guess.
well,im bored la kan.
supposedly to do the raya kuehs today but my mom is not in and hasnt came back till now.
so im left rotting on my bed and updating my blog.
im beat.legs are so aching.
but tats life.have to struggle and survive that.
wad should i talk about ryte now?hmm.
bought a helmet and it looks soo me.duh-uh!~
thinking of adding the bee-yatch words.
cool.when i got the money perhaps.
raya is aroung the corner and money becomes the main priority here..
well,not really.urmm..but really it is.
need to buy things for raya.all those essential things dat i cant missed it each year.
talking bout raya.
raya dis tyme is definitely a different one.
its a sad one.
with no where to go on the 1st.well,its bearable though..
and im getting full up with all those raya songs.
it saddens me at times and it hyper me at tymes too.
so the whatever..
and this tummy is like making a concert for like donnoe wadever reason for.
perot ku saket laa..
shall endure..
well,tats wad ramadhan is all about issnt it?
im sensing something different here..
Friday, September 21

Thursday, September 20
just why do i have to HURT others feeings..
yarh i may be rude..
partly because im angry..
because im in fear..
yarh whatever..
i just donoe wad to say animore..
im hurt and i hurt.
how cool is dat people?
too much things that i think i have to let out..
but ive let it out like, a big portion of it?
but still things does not change.
never will be.
am i proud of wad i did?
no im not.
why on earth do i have to hurt when i noe i am hurt and i noe how it feels like to do it to another people.
and why do i LIKES to feel the hurt wheares it dont bother me really sometimes.
i think ive went over board on it.
sensitivity all TAKES CHARGE.
oh gosh.
its like the olden days..
i just dont know how,why,what,when...
whatever it is.
its like,how much more people do have to suffer because of being hurt?
youandme knows it really well.i hope.
im still hurt though..
and i noe ure still hurt too.
my heart was never mend.and i think it will never be mend.
im just hoping for the best.
and eventhough it is shattered,
im still happy.
am i down?
no im not.
im gonna stand stong.
cant repeat time..
if i could..
i dont wish to be belong to the past.neither now.
i wish to feel just like heaven
Monday, September 17
new srurrounding.
started of with a dull and boring surrounding.
picking up well.
some are quiet.some are quite loud.
but none are HOT! wahahahaha!
but never the mind.
i guess i have to like this class in order for my journey in this school to rocks.
so yarh...
getting to noe and be known..
quite fun.
but bored.
takper wani,first day.endure.
biler nak buke...
Sunday, September 16
ola people..
reason im up this very hour was simply to wait for sahur(pre-dawn eating.yerke??)..
merepek kan aku.dapat tido taknk tido.
yarh,simply because just came back from work.
and dont feel tat tired after all cause it feels like im slacking the whole hour during work.
so here i am,posting a blog and i dont know wad to do.
nak crite ape eh?
i think ill get an either red,black or green maybe for my raya outfit tis year...(sumpah org tak taye!)
and somemore..
i need to set aside money,money and lots of money..
to buy wad i want which i aint wanna tell.theres like super alot.
merepek kan aku nie bebual ngarot mcm gini.
i think im done with craping..
so wad should i do now?
i oso donoe...
daa..stop it eh wani.last warning~...(only certain people will understand how this phrase goes)
cialo beitey.
oh.and btw.
happy birthday to my lil sis..just turn 10 yrs old eh..
cute kan?cute kebabai....
Saturday, September 15
today buke outside..
planned was to buke at geylang..
but its like bored laa..
trust me to go geylang like on th SECOND day of puase..
well not me alone laa adoink...
off we both to take pay(me only kae!hehe!) then ride to geylang..
kinda get lost laa..
we totally explore the EAST side today.
so yarh...walk here and there..and i bought that slack which ive longed wanted to buy..
beh wani pastu teros pakai siol...
then headed to buy some food..and its like veryy long2 time no eat tat foods...
mak..englishku dahh corrupt ar..donoe how to explain laa...
ouhkae whatever...
then guess wad...
headed to ECP plak..and we decided to buke saner..
then on the process to go there,we got LOST again..
and its like we turn one BIG round la sey..
and pantat pon da saket..haha
yarh..then we went to chill2 for awhile before heading home...
yeah..tats for today..
tomorow working..
so if i want to update,i update laa...
u all wait ajer laa kae...
sempena buland ramadhan nie...mesti ader patience...because i noe u all love reading my updates ryte?kan?kan?kan?
ciao baby!!
today buke outside..
planned was to buke at geylang..
but its like bored laa..
trust me to go geylang like on th SECOND day of puase..
well not me alone laa adoink...
off we both to take pay(me only kae!hehe!) then ride to geylang..
kinda get lost laa..
we totally explore the EAST side today.
so yarh...walk here and there..and i bought that slack which ive longed wanted to buy..
beh wani pastu teros pakai siol...
then headed to buy some food..and its like veryy long2 time no eat tat foods...
mak..englishku dahh corrupt ar..donoe how to explain laa...
ouhkae whatever...
then guess wad...
headed to ECP plak..and we decided to buke saner..
then on the process to go there,we got LOST again..
and its like we turn one BIG round la sey..
and pantat pon da saket..haha
yarh..then we went to chill2 for awhile before heading home...
yeah..tats for today..
tomorow working..
so if i want to update,i update laa...
u all wait ajer laa kae...
sempena buland ramadhan nie...mesti ader patience...because i noe u all love reading my updates ryte?kan?kan?kan?
ciao baby!!
Thursday, September 13
ouh yeah..
fasting month finally arrived.
im grateful to god that ive been given the chance to still live in this world till now.
and yarh,im fasting.
and im sleepy.
maner tak,went OC yesterdae.
and im tired.super tired.
saw asmira and shai under my void deck wen reached here.
omg,like fer how many weeks,we did not met and finally we met.
itupon by coincidence.
so yarh,me and boyf chill fer awhile while teman-ings dem to eat.
sahor la tuu dorg agaknyer..hehe..
then headed back home.
and yarh,
im still thinking to consider accepting or not about the secretary job he offered.
well,its part time aniway,tat shouldnt be a problem..
but part tyme pon,the working hours is not flexible seyy given that im still schooling and y'all noe the standard time of studying in rp.dumb.
shall i,or shall i not?
tats the question.
Monday, September 10
Guess wad?
NEW class is out!
i get W46E...
hear it out guys..W46E!!
wah piang eh...
need to like exercise in the morning to walk to the freaking block..
somebody tell me the SHORTCUT to that block PLEASE!!
and somemore....
i dont meant to be rude tau...
ive checked the my FUTURE classmates...
and asal mcm jerr... IM NOT BEING RUDE OUHKAE...
damm the system...
ouhkae...lets say it out again..
shall update bout this class more..
wen school reopen lorr...deng...
Saturday, September 8
today was our most DUMB-esttt day of all..y?
because we practically went dumb! dumb..
haha..joking la dumb...
i meant yarh we did went dumb to almost anything and everything we did today..
to the ordering till to the leaving of things in cinema theater..
so wad did Mr Munchkin and Mrs Munchkin did today?
firstly,off to take pay then headed to marina square..
went for movies..and we movie marathon today..
well not really that marathon..
we just went to watch 2 movies..
so is that considered a marathon? dont bother telling me..i aint wanna know :)))
and yeah.
first was
RAtatouille..super hillarious and funny laa...
never thought that mouse can be shooo superuberduper cuteee...hee
then second was still not satisfied that y must it be 1408 and not
this movie...wad should i say?
dissappointing laa..but ouhkae laa....
the movie went around the circling around.
does it makes sense to ya'll?hmmm.....
but whatever it is..
today was great spending tyme with should i call you MR MUNCHKIN then?hee
and we went dumb today...
tat made the highlight of our trip today...:))
Wednesday, September 5
ouh yeah..layout change again..
bored and rotting at home with no work so i decided to kill the time to find the layouts one by one..
mcm dumb la seyy..
aniwaess..i deserve a clap ouhkae for the success in not choosing a BLACK layout..
bravobravo!! *____*
so wad did i do today?
besides the hours of searching and searching for one dumb layout,
i managed to get myself out from home to meet the darlings of mine and lepaks wit them..
actually aku malas la seyy..hee
and bytheways,
i shall take this chance to curse the rapist a.k.a flasher a.k.a dumb a.k.a idiot a.k.a whateverunamedit.
lu frooking one lunatic guy u noe..
and its a confirm that my estate area is insecure.
pasal ape?pasal dekni la..nabeeessss...
ouhkae...let me story the telling..
last two days,there was a OUTRAGE OF MODESTY at my again?
then yesterday,there was a INDECENT EXPOSURE beside my block.
and its always the same thing happen and happen again around this area.
we should move out la seyy..right mommy and daddy?
or,,we could hire guards..can?like hello,kite 3 dare,maybe + my mom?mak dare somemoree..=p
then boyf will be my guard laa..can?sure can one..
beh somemore not working laa the people who ought to keep track of this place..
but whatever it is,girls,dont be out late.if ure gonna be home late,make sure there will be a MALE adult to accompany u home or fetch u home..see,thats a good thing of being a FEMALE.i meant,laydees..
mcm paham jer wani..aku yg kene jage2 nk step nasihat org plak..haha
alaaa..bored laa..
somebody entertain aku laa...
Sunday, September 2
Cant hold any longer
am sorry for having to end things this way.
gone for a smoke..
Saturday, September 1
been feeling shitty for the past few days..aint know y..feels like wanna curse and swear to everyone,everything i didis there something wrong with me or wadi hate this feelingjust hate the way THIS PEOPLE treat me which i aint deserve for thatshoot!pissedpissedpissedpissedpissedpissedpissed!!!!!!!dont bother cause i aint botherbtw,thanks bibik for the massage
felt great.mestilah,,free..haha...
Just wadehell is wrong with you?
ouh not supposed to be angry REMEMBER??
am happy cant ya see??=)))))))))))))))
intimidation grows...