Saturday, March 31
Sunday, March 25
chillin ryte now with my BELOVED LAPTOP..hees
tired siak..
but bez ar..
just now werkin the most relax sei..
but too bad ar..asmira 'sick'..[or maybe shud i sae overslept??]
so i work alone la just now..hmm...
n btw.
crite klaklaklaklar...hehe..
juz now i odered pizza.. usual ar..the same routine..go kol n wait fer it to arrived...
then the pizzaman sound the doorbell..
so i go take la..
skali yg antar plak matrep..
malu plak aku..
dgn tk glamernyer give the money to hym ar...
so tats it...
tyme eaing with my seisi kluarge,,
the LIna[the one answered my kol fer the order] called me back.
i tot its becoz of tersalah antar pizza ker...
skali she wan hav my no becoz the delivery guy tuu mintak kenal2...
mangkok sei..
i sae the usual girl's script..
im attached..
beh she gave hiz no. in hoping fer mie to kol or msg hym ar..
sometymes i wonder..glamer jgk aku di dlm suasana rumah yer..hahahahaha
dont u agree on it u guyz??...
i noe..juz nod okae to agree wit me ya..haha
ps. recomend me some new great song please..
ps. tankiu..
ps. tata!
Saturday, March 24
i got my own laptop...tanks to daddy fer buying me one..
ryte now im creatin n donloading all sorts of tings tat can make my laptop looks betta.
kla..too engross..
no mood to blog..
wanna slip early..
tomorow werkin pagie...
sian sei..
Friday, March 23
been busy werking..
so takin my time off now doing thiz blog..
not so much happen..i tink..haha
but wad i really menyesal[not really lah] was on wed..
played tru or dare outside tpt keje..
den blah from dere ard 1205 lyke dat..
den found out no more train..
freaking crap eh MRT nie..always 1215..
so den at last take a caB[bopian mah] to yishun..
lepak dere with asmira,aishah,aan,khai,den n their frens..
simply a bunch of comic people..haha
i was lyke cannot control..
sure laugh every 2 min..
then while waiting fer khai to come back sendin aishah[ehem..haha]
we walk to den's block..
we walk pass th e khatib camp..
omg..freakin scarry..
kene plak dorg bbual citer antu sal pat tpt keje..den after dat abt the camp plk..
khai send me home.. [he owed us]
im still in partially lemah semangat on how he slowed down his bike at gambaz..
siol btol..i was so scarred pat saner..den he asked me to look back somemore..mak oi..haha
pretty scared..
take a nap jap..tak sampai stengah jam..
den nid to go off to werk after dat..
wah sian idop..
so ryte now im in nid of a new wallet..
did not found any ryte one yesterdae..
instead i bought a clothe pat forever 21..haha..
while as spent her pay on hp..
not bad but still i cudnt find out wads so special bout dat fone..haha
suker ati kau laa nak..
maybe tomorow jer la carik walllet..
ouh yarh..tomorow register to tat stupid skool..
i still nid to siapkn all those forms..
Tuesday, March 20
yesterdae went to hotel training with nana,anoi,azri n asmira..
it was long though n my head is splitting apart i guess..
i was so penat yesterdae..
ape tidak,,werk ltke tk ingt dunie..haha
nah..i wanna money tats y i go werk lyke hell..hee
so yarh..just wait dey got thiz job n we rokin it togeda..
wanna mit asmira later..
wanna cut my hair..
c u later..
Thursday, March 15
im a star of my own..
visited many websites to kill my tyme..
coz im waiting to follow my sis to nenek's house
but shes sleepin ryte now..*hish*
visited the fabulous catz webbies..
quite cool sia..
den after dat browse thru the profiles of the spore n malaysian artist..
went to see sazzy's blog..
my god..shes hot!..
actually wanna c movies online..
but den..i type different,different yg kuar..fedup aku..
n now im stuck wit this website,
hundreds n hundreds of question which u wanna noe for ursef is dere..
cool huh..
tiz is how to kill ur tyme if ure bored to death..
just lyke filling in those question at the bulletin board in fwenster..
n i love tiz...
Which Hott Celebrity are you most like?
You scored as Mischa Barton, the OC's sexy Marissa! You are tall with a dirty blonde hair and you are HOTT!(trust me, even if u dont agree with me,you are) |
Beyonce Knowles-----------------67%
Mischa Barton--------------------67%
Katie Holmes---------------------58%
Jennifer Lopez--------------------58%
Ashlee Simpson-------------------50%
Courtney Cox-Arquette-----------42%
Pamela Anderson-----------------42%
Lindsay Lohan--------------------33%
Paris Hilton-----------------------25%
u c wad i hOt!
no, no..i meant u can kill tyme to do dis stuff n
n tiz one..
What Designer Brand Are You?
Louis Vuitton-------------------92%
Anna Sui-------------------------92%
Abercrombie & Fitch--------- 75%
Tommy Hilfiger----------------67%
its more to Dior..just tinkin if i wanna get a sugardady to buy me all tiz stuff..hmmm...
Wednesday, March 14
ive just received tat enrolment letter.. [issnt a big deal aniwae]
n hell yeah..
its all those stuff tat i nid to do..
so bluurr wit it..
ive read thru n
it says tat i nid a pc notebook...
so DADDY!!!! buy me one okae!!!
ala..nvm la..
i just do it later2..
its 22-30 march..
so i have lyke really ample tyme to farking drag to dwnload those stuff...
n yarh..
raffles hotel did call me just now..
says tat my werk tomorow cancel..
i hated it..
its lyke in a week,i werk only fer 3 daes..[fri-sun weking]
i wanna OT ar..
not enuff money la lyke tiz..
still i wanna buy my poly stuff..
my wadrobe n the list goes on...
cant wait fer thursdae shoppin..
hope dey can make it ar..
if not its always me n asmira tat goes shoppin togeda2..haha
n ppl keeps mistakin us fer sisters...
god,,r dey stupid or wad haha...
shikin just called me just now..
its about a tiff in de werkplace..
farkin crap sia
aku yg kene involved plak skg..
wad the hell eh..
ei,,if im the one whu blurted out..ill admit it sia..
but its farkin not me n tat gurl accused me of lanciau-ing her..
fark sia..
tiz is wad i hate wen mixin wit them..
make frens wit chinese wrong..wit malay olso wrong..
Sunday, March 11
n mom n dad is not at home..
went back kampong..
left me n sis here..
luckily ive breakfast after werk just now at mac.
if not,lantak maggie ar aku nie nari..
so damm tired..
wanna go sleep back..
ive decided tat its best we re frens now..
but i donoe how to put it to hym..
nvm..i tink tomorrow will do..
or the next next dae?
or the next next next dae?
okae cut the crap sleepy
and ouh btw..high skool crush has just added me up on frenster...
so happie...kakakakakaka...he s cute...
I'm over your lies and I'm over your games.
I'm over you asking me When you know I'm not okay.
You call me and I... And I pick up the phone.
And though you've been telling me, I know you're not alone.
Oh and that's why
Your eyes... I'm over it.
You're smile... I'm over it.
Realized... I'm over it, I'm over it, I'm over...
Wanting you to be wanting me.
No, that ain't no way to be.
How I feel.
Read my lips.
Because I'm so over... (I'm sorry)
Moving on It is my time.
You never were a friend of mine.
Hurt at first a little bit But now I'm so over So over it.
I'm so over it...
Wanting you to be wanting me.
No, that ain't no way to be.
How I feel.
Read my lips.
Because I'm so over it.
Moving on It is my time
You never were a friend of mine
Hurt at first a little bit
Now I'm so over So over it.
Saturday, March 10
shes the bombshell..lurve tis song<3
Wednesday, March 7
skool posting is out n ive got RP..
shit siak...
i wanna my hospitality blablabla badly at nyp..
ended up got tiz event management tinggy..
quite cool i guess huh..
i wanna try appeal but den cuzzie said to me tat its kinda risky..
so ill just let it pass..
move on wit wadeva i can do...
n IQAH.dun be sad okae..tat course issnt tat bad after all...
theres cool peeps in dat course tau..
just move on u said n face any obstacles along ur way..
only den will u suceed..
doesnt meant ure in dat course u cant make ur way up babe..
juz go fer it aite...
im behind u wit my pong-pong cheering u up aite :))
so now darn tired..
yesterdae was OC at sentosa..
it was fun though...
i must sae it was an easy money fer me...
i hardly do any hard jobs..
only to pour drinks fer dem..freakin easy but i donoe y my leg is soo damm beat...
todae werkin..
actually not but replacing those 2 guys..
so im gonna be a food server..again..haha
but gud lor...
now..killing tyme..
waiting fer raudha to finish her jc orientation..
great job huh i must sae to her...
now..hes back to my lyfe again..
but tiz tyme was much more better..
i donoe if i cud giv hym a another shot..
im afraid he ll be back to square one again..
ouh gosh...
i dont noe until wen shud i be lyke tiz....
Monday, March 5